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  • Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery: Mohd Zalizan’s Story

Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery: Mohd Zalizan’s Story

For patients with complex orthopaedic conditions like Mohd Zalizan Bin Mohd Zin, robotic joint replacement surgery makes a HUGE difference. In his case, what would have ordinarily required three surgeries over one and a half to two years was fixed with a single robotic procedure.

A car accident during his youth left him with an untreated broken right leg, resulting in a right leg that was two inches shorter than his left and a 22-degree misalignment in his hip-knee-ankle angle, accelerating wear on his right joint. Now, at 51, he faces unbearable pain and osteoarthritis, leading him to see Consultant Arthroplasty, Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon, Dr Suhail Suresh.

Due to the complexity of his condition, a robotic total knee replacement using the ROSA Knee System emerged as the optimal solution, offering advantages such as fewer incisions, heightened precision, reduced pain and bleeding, swifter recovery with a shorter hospital stay, fewer complications, and significant cost savings, as only one surgery was needed instead of three.

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To find out more about how robotic surgery can benefit you, schedule
an appointment with one of our skilled robotic surgeons today.
