ROSA Knee System

ROSA, which is short for Robotic Surgical Assistant, is designed to help your surgeon to perform total knee replacements tailored to your unique knee anatomy, leading to enhanced comfort, less pain and a quick return to your daily activities within a short period of time.

rosa knee

How It Works

ROSA Knee System combines 3D modeling, real-time data, and GPS-like tracking to enhance the surgeon's ability for optimal implant placement and alignment, contributing to a successful surgical outcome and faster recovery.

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Before The Surgery

With the ROSA Knee System, a 3D model of your knee anatomy will be created with a series of X-rays, which allows the surgeon to plan many specifics of your knee replacement before your surgery.

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During The Surgery

Like an advanced GPS system, the ROSA Knee System utilises a camera and optical trackers attached to your leg to know exactly where your knee is in space. To ensure that your surgeon’s plan is carried out as intended, it will alter its position accordingly even if your leg moves a fraction of an inch.

Before and throughout the surgery, ROSA Knee will provide your surgeon with data on your knee, which combined with their skills, will help them know how to accurately position your implant for a better fit.