Robotic Arm-Assisted Joint Replacement Surgery

Robotic Arm-Assisted Joint Replacement Surgery

Don’t let joint pain keep you from doing the things you love - robotic arm-assisted joint replacement surgery can help you regain your former mobility in no time!

These latest innovations in joint replacement surgery allow surgeries to be highly personalised and customised to the patient’s joint condition.

With robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery, a part or all of the damaged joint is removed and replaced it with artificial implants. The surgery offers significant pain relief and improves joint function and mobility.

rosa robotics

Did You Know?

Compared to conventional minimally invasive surgery, 72% of respondents indicated that robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery was:

robotic sunway

Less painful





Offered better results

Offered better results


Robotic Total Knee Replacement

robotic arm 24 hour

First walk within 24 hours


robotic arm 14 days

14 Days
Post-op Follow Up

Walk unaided

Walk unaided


robotic arm old man

with frame


robotic arm old man

with stick


Robotic Total HIP Replacement

robotic arm 24 hour

First walk within 24 hours


robotic arm 14 days

14 Days
Post-op Follow Up

Walk unaided

Walk unaided


robotic arm old man

with frame


robotic arm old man

with stick


Note: Data represented here is not collected under a formalised study. Data is not peer-reviewed and not published. Data may or may not be reproducible and is not generalisable. Data was collected from a single surgeon’s experience. As such, this data presentation should be considered as informational only and is not conclusive.

Benefits of robotic-assisted JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY

Robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery provides patients with a range of significant benefits that contribute to a smoother, more comfortable and quicker recovery process compared to conventional joint replacement surgery.

Some advantages of robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery include:

Robotic Arm

Higher accuracy of implant placement

Robotic Arm

Soft tissue protection around ligaments of the joint

Robotic Arm

Smaller incisions, less scarring

Robotic Arm

Minimal blood loss

Robotic Arm

More natural feeling after surgery

Robotic Arm

Shorter hospital stay

Robotic Arm

Less postoperative pain

Robotic Arm

Quick return to normal activities

robotic arm 24 hour

Higher accuracy of implant placement

robotic arm 24 hour

soft tissue protection around ligaments of the joint

robotic arm 24 hour

Smaller incisions,
less scarring

robotic arm 24 hour

Minimal blood loss

robotic arm 24 hour

More natural feeling
after surgery

robotic arm 24 hour

Shorter hospital stay

robotic arm 24 hour

Less postoperative pain

robotic arm 24 hour

Quick return to
normal activities

Sunway Medical Centre offers the latest innovation in robotic arm-assisted joint replacement surgery with
Mako SmartRobotics or ROSA Knee System.


Our team consists of over 10 highly skilled surgeons, each extensively trained to perform robotic-assisted surgeries in their respective specialties through the use of minimally invasive techniques and state-of-the-art robotic surgical technology.

let’s get you treated

To find out more about how robotic surgery can benefit you, schedule
an appointment with one of our skilled robotic surgeons today.
